Study Abroad App
Looking forward to study abroad in Australia, Canada, UK, USA or elsewhere. This app for Pakistani students will help you get the latest information, conveniently. Moreover, you can fill in the quick inquiry form and get free study abroad consultants help very quickly.
Study Abroad App
Are you looking for the best career planning and educational guidance tool in Pakistan? this app is very useful for this.
CSS Exams Pakistan
CSS Exams are important for every candidate. That's why this app is made with care and qualityto give you maximum information about CSS Exams in Pakistan.
CSS Exams Pakistan
ECAT Entry Test Prep
The best part of the app is online ECAT MCQ tests where we have added thousands of questions. You can make online testing of yourself before the real exams to know the level of your studies and preparation.
ECAT Entry Test Prep
UHS MDCAT App is your online community if you are going to prepare and appear for UHS MCAT exams 2020 in Pakistan.
NTS Test Preparation
Here is the best app you can have for NTS Pakistan jobs, results, online mcq test preparation, job tests prep and much more.
NTS Test Preparation
Past Papers
Ilmkidunya allows you to download past papers directly at your mobile device and you can revise the subject whenever you want.
Past Papers
Parastish - Geet App
Listen Online or Download Urdu / Hindi / Punjabi Geet, Zaboor, and Audio Urdu Bible. Make separate Playlists of your favorite Geet, Zaboor, and Audio Urdu Chapters of the Bible and listen at your own convenience.
Parastish - Geet App