For the eCommerce industry, the last year (2018) came to see as the great one. Almost 2090 Billion USD calculated as the worldwide revenue of the eCommerce industry. These were the onlien sales made through ecommerce apps or websites. With which volume it is running we can take the estimation that it will grow as long haul. We are ready for the end of 2021 at which we will see the market volume with the revenue of almost 4479 Billion USD. The estimation speaks itself about the growth of the global eCommerce.
Following are the top trends that will render to make our estimations true:
1. Customer Experience
Whats your customers expect from you and what you are, actually, going to’em? You must personalize this query to improve the customer experience. Moreover, along with the good customer services, faster shipping, reasonable price range, and a friendly using website are the ways to satisfy the customers.
2. Marketing Automation
The automatic procedure of marketing through auto-sending emails and scheduled posts on social media platforms is known as marketing automation. In 2019, the trend is going to be ruler in the eCommerce industry. If one properly implement this, marketing automation then will bring the following improvements:
• Your customers will get tailored emails.
• Display and the promotion of new products will be easier.
• For necessary product sale, you can retarget the customers.
3. Shipping Option Will be More Effective
In the past years, the concept of effective shipping was not so clear. The free shipping like small improvements came to see. But the concept got an enhancement when the idea of same-day delivery came true.
In 2019, the concept is coming to see with more clearance. Now, Amazon has introduced testing drones for delivery in the USA. These drones through the google maps help to find the easiest and shorter route to deliver the product in less time. In 2019, these are becoming the most vibrant trend for the eCommerce industry.
In 2019, if your website is not mobile friendly then you have to make it responsive as soon as possible. There are over 80% people rely on mobile devices than that of computer devices.
If one cannot get the good experience at your site then, believe me, that he/she will never visit you again. To avoid this threat you have to change your mind about your website.
5. More Payment Options Are Popup
Friendly payment methods always keep the customers satisfied and the shopper too. Crypto-currencies is the renowned one for the eCommerce stores. Digital Wallet is another one best that mobile manufacturers use. The trend is to apply friendly and more than one methods to your customers.
6. The Idea of Post Payment Is Going To Boom
Due to cart abandonment, eCommerce entrepreneurs face big losses. In 2015, worth of 4.4 billion has lost just due to cart abandonment. So, the best suggestion or trend is to use post payment mechanism to keep yourself away from these kinds of losses.
7. Influencer Marketing, The Way To Enhance The Sale
Influencer marketing phenomenon has also seen in the past time and it is still a common trend in 2019. You won’t believe that 70% of millennial customers are attracted by this influencer to your name.
8. Multi-Channel Selling
Now, people are using more than one channels to make their online purchases. So, the latest trend to enhance your sale is to show yourself through multi-channels. The currently running popular channels including on eBay, Amazon, Google Shopping and jet etc.
9. Custom Packaging
Customers, now, take the packaging as a part of the product and they feel it the bad impression that a product without a suitable packaging. More than half of the online purchasers feel excited when they perceive the product with suitable packaging.
10. Google Updates
For almost all the online businesses organic search is considerably a stalwart traffic source. Be updated with Google’s algorithms is the most unavoidable trend in 2019.